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Scoping workshop


The first workshop of lead authors of Thailand’s ecosystem assessment project was held on April 30 – May 2, 2022, at Arize hotel in Sriracha Province. The main propose of this workshop is to discuss the outline and the content of the scoping report. Lead authors also presented key concepts of their respective chapters and plans for conducting the assessment. 


The workshop agreed that the outline of the scoping report will focus on the following topics:

  • status and trends of marine biodiversity and ecosystems services underpinning nature’s benefit to people
  • direct and indirect drivers of changes in biodiversity and ecosystem services.
  • impacts of changes in biodiversity and ecosystem services to socioeconomic development and human well-being and policy responses
  • Indigenous and local knowledge (ILK) in Thailand National Ecological Assessment, and;
  • options for policies, governance and institutional arrangements for biodiversity and ecosystem management


Based on this scoping outlines, the lead authors will conduct an assessment plan to achieve an efficient assessment process as well as developing NEA Thailand website as the main communication channel.